All you can eat Dumplings

Wednesdays, 5:00 – 9:00pm

The Polish Club Ashfield and Sto Lat Restaurant invite you to indulge in our All You Can Eat Pierogi Wednesdays for only $39 per person. 

The experience includes:

Meat & Onion Pierogi; Cheese & Onion Pierogi; Cabbage & Mushroom  Pierogi; Crumbed Meat Pierogi; Chicken & Leek Pierogi



No takeaways | Whole tables only | Only available in Sto Lat Restaurant | Not available with any other offers 

Menu items are subject to change based on availability and at the culinary team’s discretion.
Bookings are essential via booking buttons above.
Questions call +61 (02) 9798 7469  or email 
GETTING THERE | The Polish Club Ashfield is located 182 Liverpool Road, Ashfield. Pedestrian access is only available from Liverpool Road. 
TRAIN | We are conveniently only a 5 minute walk from Ashfield Train Station. Take the Brown Street Exit from the train station, and continue up Browns Street until you reach Liverpool Road. Cross the road and continue left. The destination will be on your right. 
PARKING | We are delighted to welcome our guests to park their vehicles in our underground carpark. The entrance is located via 73 Norton Street. You can easily enter the club from the carpark using the lift. Alternatively, there is always plenty of street parking in the surrounding area with access to the club via the front entrance on 182 Liverpool Road.
CHECK-IN | Ensure to arrive 15 minutes prior to the event to be able to check-in at reception. Members can easily scan their members card, and guests can either scan their drivers license or become an associate member for $2. Allow 5 minutes to become a member. Member’s receive 10% discount on selected items. 
RESTAURANT BOOKINGS | Bookings are essential. Food is subject to availability. Leave a note when booking about which special you are interested in.